Monday, 15 March 2010


Visited this exhibition at the Barbican Centre in London. What a hidden gem. The buildings architecture was amazing and the piece I went to see was a real INTERACTIVE piece. As you walk down a dark corridor there are images of hands playing guitars being projected onto the walls, at this point you do not see anything. When carrying on down the walk way you then enter this large room with zebra finches flying all around you. They land on guitars and symbols that have been placed flat on their stands. Connected to these are amps so when the birds land on the instruments they create sounds.
The sounds created were random and came out of the amps in different places, the irregular effect created was quite unique.

I love the free feeling of this piece and how simple it seemed but very effective. It was really enjoyable.


Image taken from:


Not knowing anything about the artist and just seeing his work at the Saatchi Gallery. I found i remembered this piece more than others. The piece at first appears as photographs of traditional Burqas, worn by women as part of their religion. But when looking closer at the pieces the image is constructed of tiny images of pornographic scenes. When reading about the artists work he wanted to portray a political reaction using the Burqa against the pornographic images of women, "forcing the viewer to look beyond them and critique the so-called machinery of truth from which they are born."

Quote taken from :

Why is it this piece has stuck in my head? When immediately working out what the images were of it did shock me. Which is what the artist thinks wanted to happen. But also this kind of first appearing 'shock art' effects can wear off because after a few moments I became immune to the fact they were of sexual scenes. Is this because today through media, we have become numb to seeing images like these.

It is becoming more and more intriguing to me about why as people we see some things as shocking and other things as not. That we take notice of some things and not other. People have different values as to what is important. I find that in everyday life we neglect a lot of things. I will begin to portray things that would not normally be portrayed. I hope to explore with collage, sound and video.


Saatchi Gallery Exhibition
Richard Wilson

Really inspired by Richard Wilsons piece at the Saatchi Gallery name 20:50, when looking over the balcony and down it appears to be another floor, but when looking closely it is a reflection of the ceiling. His installation piece is oil on the floor that creates a mirror image. Visually it was spectacular and really got the viewer involved in an illusion.


Looking at barcodes can be a simple every day thing. They are seen on every product sold and we see them everyday but do not register them in our minds, because we are so used to seeing them. When we buy products, society seems to have a robot manner about it, we are directed and influenced by signs and directions, deals on products that make us just consuming identities. I want to explore barcodes and change their meaning. I find them visually quite appealing. They can be taken out of their everyday consumerism context.
By collecting barcodes, I hope to bring together something new to their meaning and not just a product on consumerism.
We ignore everyday things, but I find those things the most fascinating.
Peoples body Language
Sounds in the street

I will explore different ways these things can be portrayed contextually.