Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Bruce Nauman

When watching Bruce Naumans piece, I found it quite interesting in the idea and concept, and how he moves around the square. But this seems to me it would be more effective for me personally to see something like this live in a space. I think this is because I got impatient rather quickly and found myself skipping ahead to see what would happen. It seems to be that when watching videos online there is this subconscious rush to see the whole thing and get the information quickly. I think that when it comes to viewing this piece, how it is viewed definitely effects it. If i were to watch this in a lecture or see it live I think it's impact would be totally different.

On the subject of the nature of Naumans work, I can see some relations to my own current practice but also it has a totally different subject. He is performing to the camera, where as in my work I would like to think there is a much more honest approach and that the viewer understands what they are seeing in a 'it is what it is' aspect. I am not performing I am being honest and not putting on a show, as I am exploring the reality of our self projections and portrayals