Lost In Translation is one of my favourite films and the style that Sofia Coppola films in is something I find really influencing. At the beginning of the film there is just a shot of one of the main characters behind. It is very simple but I think a very good way to start the film, the slight movement tells so much even from something so simple. The simplicity is something I look to do in my own work.
Image taken from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjnJJvCEHhRwy-kdok14uaFp8GPGL5S8mLKNPi_lk9a_tO8dWpsyD6Ah4PrXXyPZpcbftbasE1uT3WKdGsCjWZDSqe9o5fzljlYdZjYDPsKhtfrM_PXDhfhu7dJhX0d1pxrB5XWfh5Sx18/s1600/Scar-Jo.jpg